Elektrische en elektronische gietharsen zijn ontworpen om componenten op pcb’s te isoleren en te beschermen tegen toepassings- en omgevingsinvloeden.
Roartis® biedt een selectie van prijscompetitieve epoxy gietharsen aan om tegemoet te komen aan de meest veeleisende toepassingsspecificaties.
Onze portfolio omvat vlamvertragende materialen die door UL94-V0 gespecifieerd zijn, evenals harsen met zeer lage viscositeit voor toepassingen die een extreem goede doorstroming vereisen. Onze R&D chemici kunnen een epoxy hars formuleren om tegemoet te komen aan uw specifieke toepassingsvereisten.
Onze capaciteiten omvatten uitstekende diëlektrische eigenschappen, elektrische isolatieweerstand, thermische geleidbaarheid, thermische schokbestendigheid, mechanische sterkte, hardheid en chemische bestendigheid.

Compare | Product | Product group | Strong points | One komponent or two komponents | Color | Viscosity | Cure | CTE | Tg | Shore Hardness | Thermal conductivity | Work life | Storage | Fineness (µm) | Density (gr/cc) | Thyxotropie | Datasheet |
https://www.iq-bond.com/products/iq-bond-9641-ab/ compare |
IQ-BOND 9641-AB | Potting resin | High ionic purity, biomedical applications, qualifyable to BS6920 for drinking water applications | 2 K (mix-ratio 100:35) | Beige | Low | Medium @ Low temperature | 12 months @ RT | Low |
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https://www.iq-bond.com/products/iq-cast-9640/ compare |
IQ-CAST 9640 | Potting resin | Low viscosity, biomedical applications, qualifyable to BS6920 for drinking water applications | 2 K (mix-ratio 100:50) | Beige | Low | Medium @ Low temperature | 12 months @ RT | Low |
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https://www.iq-bond.com/products/iq-cast-9460-fr-black/ compare |
IQ-CAST 9460-FR-BLACK | Potting resin | Flame retardant UL49-VO certified potting resin | 2 K (2:1 wght%) | Black | Low | Medium @ Low temperature | 12 months @ RT | Low |
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https://www.iq-bond.com/products/iq-cast-9460-fr/ compare |
IQ-CAST 9460-FR | Potting resin | Room temperature curable, flame retardant, very well suited for high temperature applications (140°C-150°C) | 2 K (2:1 wght%) | White | Low | Medium @ Low temperature | 12 months @ RT | Low |
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https://www.iq-bond.com/products/iq-cast-9400-ab/ compare |
IQ-CAST 9400-AB | Potting resin | Room temperature curable, unfilled, very well suited for high temperature applications (140°C-150°C) | 2 K (mix-ratio 100:18) | Clear | Low | Medium @ Low temperature | 12 months @ RT | Low |
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https://www.iq-bond.com/products/iq-cast-9120-ab/ compare |
IQ-CAST 9120-AB | Potting resin | Low viscosity, very well suited for high temperature applications (140°C-175°C) or extremely low temperatures (-200°C) | 2 K (mix-ratio 100:58) | Clear | Very Low | Medium @ Low temperature | 12 months @ RT | Low |
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https://www.iq-bond.com/products/iq-cast-9100-ab/ compare |
IQ-CAST 9100-AB | Potting resin | Very good water resistant, toughness and adhesion, meets FDA regulations permitting use in indirect food contact applications | 2 K (mix-ratio 100:15) | Clear | Low | Medium @ Low temperature | 12 months @ RT | Low |